Wealth is not just about money because money can’t provide us with deep happiness within. It may help us live comfortably, but we need to understand that true wealth could be achieved in different areas of our lives. Join Jen Du Plessis as she talks with the Founder of 46 & 2 Wealth Partners Jesse Todisco about financial management, planning, freedom and discovering hidden wealth in our lives. Jesse is also the host of the Jesse Tee Show. It’s a mindset-focused podcast that revolves around business health and wellness, relationships, and success secrets. In this episode, Jesse shares his personal experiences growing up raised by a single mom. He took the spiritual journey of healing and realized that he wanted to take the entrepreneurial path. With the difficult road taken, the traumas he has to heal from and the struggles he faced, he knew that entrepreneurship is the key to success.
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Creating Happy Wealth For Entrepreneurs To Live Their Best Lives Now With Jesse Todisco
I’m delighted that you have decided to join us and give us a little piece of your day. Thank you so much for joining us. Our special guest is Jesse Tee. He is the Founder of 46 & 2 Wealth Partners. We’re going to be talking about that and where that name came from. What he focuses on is helping his clients be free and create happy wealth, which is also the name of a book that you’re going to be coming out with. When is that coming?
It’s to be determined. I’m not rushing it. It’s more of a spiritual awakening than anything. I’m letting it flow.
We both are friends of Mark Victor Hansen. You should get with Mark and have him help you publish this book sooner rather than later. Jess is also the host of The Jesse Tee Show. It’s a mindset-focused podcast that teaches anyone hunting for greatness in business, health, wellness, relationships and the secrets of success. Welcome. One of the things that I love is especially this special gift that you’re going to be giving to everyone here, how you talk about something that I use a different vernacular on but it’s the same story. I’m going to tell you mine and then you can tell me yours because I know this is important to you in your practice. My mantra for my coaching, speaking and everything is to live your legacy while you’re building it. Yours is very similar. Could you share with us what that is?
Alluding to the book, it’s something that I’ve learned how to implement in my life and then teach other people but it’s how to create happy wealth, which is conscious wealth. How do we create conscious wealth? My business is a Trojan horse for delivering consciousness awakening through financial planning. What that means is people who have money questions, who are entrepreneurs, executives and looking to enjoy their life. They want clarity and confidence but the biggest thing they want is a great quality of life. We talked about it like being able to go out on a boat, on vacation, wherever you want to go and do it while you’re younger. This whole lie that we’ve been told, “Wait until you’re 65 to retire.” We talked about how finite life is and how quick life can be for anyone. You’re only as healthy as you are now unless you can continue your health and wellness trajectory. By the time you get older, do you want to wait until you’re older to be able to enjoy life? You’re not guaranteed tomorrow. The whole premise is to live life well now and not have to worry about the future by building legacy wealth.
This is something that I had to learn. I had a difficult situation come up, a turning point in my life that said, “Enough is enough. I cannot do the rat race anymore. I have to create my lifestyle and create my business around it.” That is the opposite of what most people do, create their business and then try to fit their lifestyle around it. We want to reverse engineer that. I know that’s what you’re all about as a wealth partner and you’re also a fiduciary. For those who don’t know what fiduciary is, I can explain it. I probably want to explain it the same way that you do because I know it’s more holistic. Why don’t you explain what a fiduciary is? I want people to understand what you do on a daily basis but then we’re going to talk about what makes you so different.
A fiduciary is a funny way to say, “We’ve taken a moral and a legal obligation to not screw over our clients.” To give people some context, there are 400,000 financial planners in the United States alone. Only 5% of us are true fiduciaries. We’re the 5% that go out there. We have to, by law and moral obligation, put our client’s best interest before ourselves, which as a business operator makes sense. You should run a business like that. You treat your clients like that. You should not have to worry about being sold something that’s not in your best interest or having a salesperson that has to have a quota hanging over them every month. They have to sell you a mutual fund that doesn’t make sense for your portfolio. From the way of the way that I like to do life and business, it made perfect sense to become a fiduciary.
My son had all of these series, licenses as well as his degree when he went to work at different companies. Deutsche Bank is where he was at. The funny thing is he had to sign this document. He left pretty quickly but he signed this document and said, “Whatever you’re going to be putting your client into, you can’t go into. You cannot participate.” He was like, “Mom so let me get this right. If it’s the best product, do I take it or should I give it to them?” That is what he couldn’t deal with. He’s like, “I can’t stand that because then I would say I want the best one for me so I’m going to give them the second-best one,” or they would give him the best one and he would take the second one. He morally couldn’t handle it and ended up getting out. Now he does options trading so that’s what he does.
It creates a conflict of interest anytime someone takes a commission in that world. I removed that from my business altogether.
Let’s walk into what makes you different because I know you’ve got some steps. Being part of the 5% as a fiduciary, the approach you take, the process or methodology that you use, what makes it so much different than many others who are in fiduciary?
Even just the idea of being a fiduciary and being in that 5% already separates. In that 5% as a fiduciary, the way that I operate my business is completely different than most financial planners. I’m wearing a T-shirt and jeans. I used to be in banking years ago. At one point, I know I’ve gone too far. I had fifteen suits. I had one for every day of the week for three weeks with bow ties, cuff links matching this, matching that. What happened is I realized that I was in a game that was very political and superficial. I had a mentor once tell me who is extremely successful, financially, spiritually, fitness, family, all the things that matter more than money.
He told me that one of his biggest clients came into him and said, “I don’t care what you dress like, can you do the job?” For me, that resonated because that’s how I feel. I’m like, “If I’m wearing a T-shirt, jeans and you don’t want to work with me, you’re not supposed to be a part of my client family.” Getting to how we’re different outside of that, “Everybody’s human, everybody deserves a chance,” thing. I’ve had this interesting life story that allows me to relate to pretty much anyone I meet with on some level. Being empathetic, having these life experiences, I can’t plug into anyone.
I bring people into my client family. The way that we do things a little bit different is there’s a lot of psychology and behavioral science that goes into when I onboard clients. I stayed with clients for seasons of life that could last years or a lifetime. Getting to know a client in that process, how they operate, their mindset and what’s important to them more than just what’s the number you need to retire. That’s somewhat important but that number is always moving. It can change. It can grow if you’re doing the right things. At the end of the day, it comes down to it’s a people business. I’m in the people sciences business. All the other stuff, the data, the planning, that’s a dime a dozen. What the real secret sauce is the relationship.
It’s the methodology. That becomes a methodology but this is the big part. Many people focus on that methodology and not on the heart center of serving their clients. I want to ask you a little bit about your happy wealth. You have ten steps to wealth. I know you’re probably going to be including in the book so we don’t want to give everything away. Sometimes people say, “Number one is number one because it’s the most important.” Out of the ten, what’s your favorite? Would you mind sharing that one step?
I’ll share the first two. The first one is the mindset. We talked about psychology. I’m a big disciple of Carl Jung and his work. There’s a lot of psychology and different things that I embed into my relationships in my business and getting people on the right mindset. There’s a lot of people, most people, including myself. Growing up, I wasn’t taught the right money principles, how to manage money, to create assets and create outside of trading time for money. These were all foreign things I had to learn on my own. Thank God I’m a student and a seeker. I wanted to learn about these things. Eventually, I got adept at them so I could teach them.
At the end of the day, it was the mindset, how to pay yourself first, invest in yourself, grow your own P&L for your personal life and then you can do that in a business. The mindset shift came with emotional behavioral sciences that I was studying and all these different people from Warren Buffett and all this stuff. All the boring stuff that fascinated me got me into the mindset of money. From there, the first tangible thing that someone can do that’s in the book is cashflow. Cashflow is the core foundation to any business. If you don’t have cashflow, you don’t have oxygen. It’s what it says.
I relate it to oxygen in the book. There are ways to create more cashflow right away, right now without charging anyone any money. Go get your last three bank statements from your online bank whatever it is, go through, see your last three months’ work expenses, break them down month by month, 1, 2 and 3. As you look at that overall spending, take a look at what’s the extra stuff, dining out, vacations and the money on Amazon. You cut that number in half for the next three months. You take that half that you’ve saved. You are still doing those things. You are just not overspending.
This is part of happy wealth. You could still go on vacation and go out to eat. These are things that need to give you that quality of life. You don’t need to overdo it. When you take that overdoing it of that 50% of what you’ve overspent, you take 25% of that money, put it right into savings, take the other 25% of that money and put it right into an investment. Whether it’s crypto, real estate or stocks, it doesn’t matter whatever you’re into. I can advise on all those things because I’m a fiduciary. At the end of the day, you’ve cut your spending, added money into your savings and to your investments with one move that didn’t cost you any money.
I’ve interviewed a lot of people. I’m several years in the mortgage space so I’ve heard everything. That is a new twist. That’s important about being happy wealth is that you want to make sure that you aren’t sacrificing. I like Dave Ramsey and I liked parts of it. He got us budgeting.
[bctt tweet=”Life is finite and quick for anyone. Enjoy life because you are not guaranteed tomorrow.” via=”no”]
I personally got myself out of debt with Dave Ramsey.
There are some aspects that I don’t necessarily love but he says, “Live like no one else so later you can live like no one else.” I get that but there is an aspect of it that says, “That’s like putting the handcuffs on me and now I can’t live like anybody else while I’m waiting to live like everybody else.” The part that didn’t sit with me is I wanted to still live life but I don’t have to overlive it is what you’re saying.
Don’t overdo it. You’ll be surprised where if you go through these online banking statements how much money you randomly waste. As they used to say in this old sales company, “It has to be on a checkup from the neck up.” It’s like a nice realization of, “Maybe I don’t need to spend this much money every month. Now I can invest in myself, which is the best investment I’ll ever make.”
I have to be honest with you. We finished June of 2021. For me, that’s half time and you go into the locker room, you figure out, “Am I winning the game? Am I losing the game? What adjustments do I need to make? We’re halftime.” I did that with my business. I didn’t do what you did, which I would love to do but I cut off and canceled probably seven different things. I thought, “While I’m doing that, let me go on my cell phone and figure out who’s automatically behind the scenes.” Starting on all these seven pages of screens of apps that we have. I’m going to go back in it for personal though because I’ve got control of my business. I don’t think I look at my personal as much because I’m doing well. It’s not like I need to but how much more could I be doing?
What peace of mind and different paradigm shift might create for you?
I know it’s another favorite but what is your favorite investment vehicle as we’re speaking now? I know these changes. Markets change. We float into some and others over time. We were all in dot com and now that’s not what we’re into. What are some of the things that you have trust and confidence in when it comes to investing?
I’ll talk about three but the first one is going back to invest in yourself. Whether that’s learning, conferences, coaches, mentors, courses, whatever it is, you have to be able to learn. One of the greatest sins is if you’re the same person a year from now that you are now, you’re not living life well. You have to make sure that whether if it’s spirituality, family, relationships, business, whatever it is, seek to understand and grow in those places. Investing in yourself is going to be the best thing especially for your health and wellness. I’m a big proponent of health and wellness whether it’s nutrition, recovery or biohacking. At the end of the day, investing in yourself is going to be the best start where you can show up powerfully in all these other areas of life.
The second thing would be I do play in the market and I do believe in traditional fundamental investing. I believe in the ownership of companies to X degree, depending on your palate and what companies you like. That means investing in i.e. Delta, Disney or whatever company especially if you own these companies. For me, I wear certain types of clothes, I have certain types of phone and computers. If I’m spending money on these things, I might as well invest in it a little bit. I have to take some pride in what I’m spending money on and so that could be different for everyone. That’s the first thing.
The second thing is real estate. As a fiduciary, I love real estate because I can advise people on things that make sense to them. I don’t have to sell them anything. If they like real estate, I’m all about real estate. I’m a real estate investor personally and with business things that I do. Also, for clients, the most wealth that’s ever been transferred in the history of this Earth has been through real estate. How could you be a financial advisor helping people and not talk about that? It’s crazy but most people don’t because they don’t get paid for it. At the end of the day, I’ve seen the power of real estate and legacy wealth transfer for people through real estate. It’s an absolute must for people that want to get into it.
I’m an avid real estate investor. I was in mortgages for so many years. I would ask real estate agents, “How many of you own your own home?” They would raise their hands. “How many of you own investment property?” Zero. That’s like a Mary Kay consultant saying, “You should wear all these makeups.” “I don’t.” “You should buy all these properties.” “I don’t.” Why wouldn’t you buy your own product? It’s the craziest thing. Thanks for sharing those, too. I was on a speaking tour with Les Brown Jr. We called it The Real Estate of You because it’s you. It’s not real estate but you are real estate and you should invest in yourself.
That’s where you’re going to create wealth and that increases your EQ, your Emotional Intelligence. You haven’t always been here. You had a path. Someplace in the back, things changed for you. You had a major event that happened in your life or maybe several of them that happened and you’re like, “I’m done. I’ve got to change things. I got to make a difference in the world and a difference for myself.” Tell us about that story and bring us to how you got where you are now.
It’s a lifelong initiation. It’s not just one story but the cliff notes are growing up in Boston with a single mom that didn’t have a penny to rub together. There were times when we went through the winter without heat and times when we didn’t have a lot of food. I did grow up on the water and the ocean. There was a beach right there. I didn’t feel poor. Once I started getting older, I started realizing things we didn’t have. That set me on my entrepreneurial path early on. Through those years, being bullied for years physically, having a dad that was a heroin addict for 30 years before he cleaned up, myself going through my own drug addiction and selling drugs for a couple of years. I went through all these initiations where I learned a lot about life quickly.
I served in the military. It was a nice turning point for me to get back on track. I’ve held my daughter and my mom until they passed away. I’ve cleaned my dad’s blood up off the floor after he passed away. I’ve seen a lot of death but it’s brought me amazing gratitude for life. There’s this stoic philosophy that I’ve latched onto. This is part of the turning point over a couple of years ago in terms of my mentality. It’s called memento mori. Memento mori says, “Know that you’re mortal, that you’re going to die. Let that be the only muse that you need to show up in life well.”
If you know that you’re going to die and you carry that in your mind in a positive way, it’s going to allow you to step into relationships bolder. It’s going to allow you to step into business stronger. It’s going to allow you to show up for yourself better because you’re not going to be here potentially tomorrow. Is this the last day of your life? How would you want to lead it? This mentality has carried with me. It spurts so many great things in my life, from the podcast to the business to relationships. For me, through this lifelong initiation that I’ve been going through and all these different traumas that I’ve healed from, they’ve all put me into a position where I could be the best version of myself now because of the way that I look at it.
We know that. We’ve seen that before where someone has a glass of water, put some Coca-Cola in it and it changes it. It doesn’t come back without doing ten times as much positivity for one drop of negativity. That’s exactly what you’re talking about. I appreciate that and thank you. I know that you have a charity that you’ve started as a result of your daughter’s passing. I would love for you to share about that charity, which is called Alana’s Angels.
My ex-wife and I had a daughter, our first full-term healthy pregnancy. Our daughter came out injured at delivery where she wasn’t deceased but she needed life support to stay alive. She wasn’t breathing on her own. At some point, her airway was compromised and she wasn’t able to breathe without the machines. We got her into the NICU and put her on life support. She was there for seven days and there were no signs of her ever being viable without the machines. They gave us a choice. They said, “You can continue to let her live on the machines for the foreseeable future or you can let her go.” On the seventh day, we decided after some tough conversations, it’s surreal. It almost feels like a movie. In the moment, there’s no way to grasp this. You’re supposed to have a healthy baby and then they’re like, “You’re not going to have a baby.”
At the end of that seventh day, we said, “We will let her go.” I held her in my arms until she took her last breath. For me, it was a very surreal moment. I was running a business at the time and that business, I decided to shut it down. Long story short, to get back to all that experience, it brought us to a place through years of like we had therapy, counseling and healing through all the different things including my own personal stuff, to where we felt called to give back to people that have been through something similar. We created a nonprofit called Alana’s Angels. It serves those that have lost children of any age. From a miscarriage all the way up to the death of an adult child, we have support and services in place to help them get through those seasons of life.
Is the website just AlanasAngels.com?
[bctt tweet=”You have to invest in yourself, grow on your own, and shift your mindset into a positive outlook. ” via=”no”]
My ex-wife is running it and they have a Facebook group, Alana’s Angels. You can find out more information there and then I’ll help you out.
You went through some things in your life and you have been through something very traumatic with her and that shifted you to say, “Something’s got to change.” It’s a lot of your mindset and getting into the psychological piece of investing. What keeps your energy level from a mindset perspective high every day? What’s your routine? What is it that you do that keeps that going so that it’s not an ebb and flow? Many people get involved in mindset. I do mindset every day, too but they get involved in it then it goes away and fizzles out. They’re like, “I want to do it again.” What keeps it maintained at a high frequency so that you could attract the type of clients and lifestyle that you’re looking for?
I’ll give you all the common stuff but then I’ll give you something a little bit out there. In the beginning part of the day, it’s mindfulness, sitting with self, tapping into my heart, listening to my breathing, sitting down in a yoga position called lotus position and a dark space. I’ll sit in my closet and listen. I see what comes up for me. I sit there for as long as I need to, which is usually about ten minutes. I start to get somewhat I would call downloads or information. I know how to go about my day. Immediately, I go from the mental and right into working out. I work out, I do all sorts of weird stuff. I’m in martial arts. I’m into swinging these things called mesas and kettlebells. I want to be anti-fragile.
I don’t want to die of a broken hip when I’m 80 if I can make it to 80 years old. After the movement then comes a cold shower. There’s no warm. It’s all cold. It’s about two minutes, in and out. That does so much for the mindset but that also does much for inflammation and reducing inflammation. You’re healing yourself while you’re doing it. Plus, it’s making you more energetic. It’s waking me up. I don’t drink coffee. I intermittent fast every day. I usually don’t eat until 2:00 or 3:00 Eastern. I eat from then until about maybe 9:00. It’s six hours, sometimes less. I’ve done OMAD, which is One Meal A Day. There are all these physical things but then also the spiritual side of it is more out there stuff. I don’t know if it’s out there but not for me. Getting outside, getting sunlight for 15, 20 minutes a day, standing on the ground and grounding all the stuff that happens there, de-charging, de-loading. A lot of times, I’ll work out outside so moving my body on the grass in the sun. I’m doing three things at one time.
Outside of that physical and mental piece, I do a lot on the spirituality side. This is the spot where people might think a little bit weird but I work with the sacred plant medicines. I go on journeys around the world. I came back from Peru. I was hanging out in the sacred valley of Cusco, Peru with shamans and working with different plant medicines. Now I’m going to Tulum from the 29th of July to August 6th, 2021. I’ll be hanging out with my buddy for his birthday but we’re going to be working with some different things out there, going to Chichen Itza and the Temple of the Magician. There are all these different things that are out there for people. It’s whatever calls to you but you have to do something whether it’s plant medicines, if it’s working out, cold showers or breathwork.
What happens is people get in so involved in life that they become zombies and that’s very intentional what you’re doing.
It’s changed my life.
Are you plant-based as well? Do you mind me asking?
I’m more keto.
I’m plant-based. I was just curious.
I do like meat. I grew up Italian. Growing up Italian, a lot of foods aren’t good for the gut from bread to cheeses to pasta. I do entertain those moments but I’m more whole foods. It’s an 80/20 thing. I like to eat junk food here and there but I like to eat healthy food.
Me, too. I’m probably 90% plant-based, 2% meat because now it doesn’t like me. I still like my ice cream and my Snickers bar every once in a while.
Had you had a Publix where you are? Apple turnovers from the bakery I like to dive.
I’m so lucky. We were poor that we didn’t have the special stuff like soda. We didn’t drink soda. I don’t drink any soda whatsoever. We couldn’t afford the special stuff. I don’t eat any desserts whatsoever. I don’t even want them. I don’t go out for that. Thank God. There’s one I don’t have to worry about. I’m going to finish up with one last question. Tell a little bit about your company, 46 & 2 Wealth Partners. It’s such a unique name. I asked you the same thing, “What’s the name of this company?” Share a little bit about how you came up with the name so that people can route with you in your mission and vision for your company.
I’ve been on this spiritual journey for my whole life. I’ve been doing a lot of healing work through the years. It’s interesting. I was out on a podcast talking about this. Teachers will show up when the student’s ready. It’s funny because I’ve always had things that have shown up. Maybe if I wasn’t necessarily looking for it especially books. It will come across and I’ll be like, “Okay,” and then someone will recommend it like 2 or 3 times in a 24-hour period. I’m like, “I got to look at this book,” but there was this band that I started listening to early into high school even before then, which is many years ago. The name is Tool. Tool is a progressive rock band that has done a lot of work with plant medicines and psychology. They’re some of the best musicians on Earth but are some of the smartest people too. They’re credible in what they do.
There’s a song they have called Forty Six & 2 that has three meanings. The first meaning is we all have a shadow in our psyche. This comes from Carl Jung’s work. It’s a repressed part of our psyche that can lead to bad decisions, different things with ego and all these different things. To be able to heal from that, you have to do what’s called shadow work and look at those dark parts of yourself, come face to face with them and learn how to do the work to get past those things and heal yourself. They talk about growing through your shadow.
The second piece is we talked about 23AndMe. It’s a company that tells your genealogy, where your heritage is from and what’s going on internally with your DNA. We’re at 23 times 2 which is 46 chromosomes. They talk about 46 & 2, which is the next step in evolution theory saying that, “We’ll go from this disharmonious state as human beings where there’s conflict, fighting, war and tragedy,” and we’ll evolve to our next level, which is harmonious. It’s unity consciousness, all one race on Earth, which I had named the company after.
It’s because at 46 & 2 Wealth Partners, the motto is evolve together. Evolving from yourself, from the things that you’ve been through and being able to show up for other people in business and life so that you can evolve together. That’s the motto. There’s another scientific thing that I won’t get into but it meant a lot of things. The other caveat was my last company was called Todisco Financial. I’m in the mindset of building and scaling the company to where if I ever want to sell it, it would be a lot easier to sell 46 & 2 because it’s ambiguous versus something that had my name on it.
[bctt tweet=”Traumas you have to deal with and heal from can be stepping stones for you to become the best version of yourself.” via=”no”]
Thank you so much for sharing that. The last question I want to ask you is what is the impact or the significance that you want to leave on this planet when you graduate?
This gets into the spiritual side because you can never live on this planet without love. My goal is to give love and to receive love. That’s in every interaction. I was talking about a podcast that I was on. It was with a relationship expert. He was into a lot of the same things that I’m into. We started talking about how the Dalai Lama had a lot of space in between to take on negativity in the form of a relationship. I asked him a question. I said, “If you’re in an argument with your significant other, how do you create space? How do you make sure that you show up the best you can and what are some techniques?” We started going down the path of some of these great, wise and enlightened people.
If you went up to the Dalai Lama, you looked at him and you told him to go F himself, not only would he not respond and give it back to you but he would sit there, think, he would say something and come back to you with something with love. He would figure out how to ease the tension but also show up for you. Something that I looked forward to doing in business and in personal relationships is to be loved and receive love so that I could enjoy this ride called Earth.
You probably are already doing it. I’m sure you are. We’ll continue to do that with your clients. Anyone who’s reading, if they want to connect with you, what is the best way for them to connect with you?
Social media is the easiest, quickest and fastest way. I connect with everybody on social media. If you want to follow me on Instagram, it’s @Jesse_Tee or you can find me on LinkedIn at Jesse Todisco.
It’s been an absolute pleasure. I know you have a gift for everybody, a PDF, which goes to a video where he talks a little bit more about steps. I’ve had the pleasure of watching that video as well. Make sure you click on that video and go there and get the information from him that he’s gifting to us and giving to us in the world here. Thank you for being here with us, Jesse. I appreciate it. I learned so much. I can’t wait to grab my bank statements. That’s what I’m going to do and start working on them.
You didn’t know you were going to get homework, did you? Thank you so much. Thank you to the audience.
We want to say thank you for reading and giving us a little bit of your day. We are so grateful for that. If you are new to this community, we want to welcome you in. We hope you have enjoyed this particular episode. Please make sure you’re watching other episodes, get yourself subscribed and take a few minutes to give us a great rating and a review. It’s like anything that we do in business and life. We all want to be validated. We all want to know that we’re doing a great job. The only way we know is if you’re doing the review. We look forward to talking to you. I hope you have a great week. Jesse, thank you for joining me.
Thank you so much.
Important links
- 46 & 2 Wealth Partners
- The Jesse Tee Show
- AlannasAngels.com
- Alanna’s Angels – Facebook group
- 23AndMe
- @Jesse_Tee
- Jesse Todisco
- https://Linktr.ee/jesse_tee
- https://www.Dropbox.com/s/56r16ztk1agnmix/Webinar.mp4?dl=0
About Jesse Todisco
Jesse is the founder of 46 & 2 Wealth Partners, a fee-only registered investment advisory firm. His business ethos is rooted in showing others how to become free and create Happy Wealth. Jesse also hosts The Jesse Tee Show. A mindset-focused podcast that teaches anyone hunting greatness in business, health and wellness, and in relationships, the secrets to success. At an early age Jesse realized he had a knack for being an entrepreneur.
He would buy, sell and trade comic books and sports cards. Growing up in Boston, during the harsh winter months, Jesse would shovel his neighbor’s sidewalks and driveways earning a few dollars and other times, a cup of hot chocolate. In 2006, Jesse moved to Georgia and resumed his entrepreneurial path after leaving the military.
He founded a series of successful companies that lead him to Charlotte, NC. After building an organization, Jesse experienced the loss of his daughter, Alana. He decided to move back to the Atlanta area to be closer to friends and family and continue the dream of starting a family. Jesse is the proud parent of two sons, is a passionate human optimization nerd, enjoys getting into nature and is a psychonaut.
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