STS 22 | Power Of Choice

The Choice To Make A Healthier Change With Dai Manuel

  Change comes to our bodies whether we decide to accept it or not, but we have the power to make a choice between allowing that change to get the best of us or taking the reins and steering that change to the direction we want it to go. Lifestyle mentor and performance coach, Dai Manuel has had to make that pivotal decision at least twice in his life. At, he decided to take steps to fight obesity and look physically good. In his thirties, he decided to take it up a notch and really focus on investing holistically on his health, not just the external aspects of it. What has he learned from this journey that you can take and apply in your own life? Join in on his conversation with host, Jen Du Plessis, where you will learn about the power of choice, why it’s never too late…

STS 21 | Weight Loss And Transformation

A Weight Loss And Transformation Journey With Adam Schaeuble

  Reaching 327 pounds and having a lot of weight-related health issues and a $40,000 credit card debt to boot, Adam Schaeuble hit rock bottom over a decade ago. With a goal to take back control of his life, Adam started on his weight loss journey and, in the process, inspired some people from his hometown to join him. On today’s podcast, he sits down with Jen Du Plessis to talk about the transformation he implemented in his life and his mission to help people achieve their ideal bodies, habits, and lifestyles. Adam is currently a weight loss and fitness coach and a top-ranked podcast host of the show called The Million Pound Mission. — Watch the episode here Listen to the podcast here A Weight Loss And Transformation Journey With Adam Schaeuble I am excited to have our guest, Adam Schaeuble with us. He is the Founder and Podcast Host…