Everybody has some type of trauma, and our traumas all tastes and feel different, but they have the same effect: they create a cage around us – our limiting beliefs – that is always there no matter what new tools we may try to get rid of it. On today’s podcast, Keira Poulsen joins Jen Du Plessis to talk about addressing our trauma pain, The Awaken Program, and how we can awaken our hidden gift of healing. Keira is an intuitive energetic healer and has spent the last seventeen years in the world of healing.
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Awakening Our Hidden Gift Of Healing With Keira Poulsen
We have a great guest with us that I wanted to bring on. Success isn’t just about a tactical approach to everything, but it’s also the mindset. If we can combine those two, then we are extremely lethal in a positive way and being able to be as successful as we want to be, whatever that means for you whether that’s a monetary success or having that lifestyle that you’ve always dreamed of. I have a great guest with me who I can’t wait for her to share. We were both panelists on a radio show and a live Facebook feed as well. We hit it off and I said, “You have to be on the show.” I first want to thank everybody for reading. I want to remind you to please write us a review. That means the world to me. I’d appreciate it if you can do that. If you’re new to the show, welcome. If you’re someone who’s been here for a while, thank you for your continued support.
I want to introduce you to Keira Poulsen. She is the mother of five amazing kids. She’s an inspirational speaker and loves to share her message about hope and light with those around her. She’s an intuitive, energetic healer and the creator of The Awaken Program, which we’re going to talk about here. She’s also the host of the podcast called The Awaken Podcast. Her first book is The Hidden Gifts Within the Trauma of Sexual Abuse and her second book is Warriors of Light: Stories of Hope and Healing. She spent the last seventeen years in the world of healing. Her message is about wakening up healing and coming out of the hole that you’re in with your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from getting to where you want to go in your life and in your business. One of the things that I picked up on that she does is she likes to dance. Keira, welcome to our show and thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.
Thank you for having me. I’m excited to be here.
When is your second book going to come out so people can be looking for that?
My second book is in incubation. It’s going to have 33 stories of survivors of sexual abuse, stories of hope and healing. It’s going to be, how did people overcome the trauma and how has their life benefited after they’ve done their healing work? I don’t know if anyone’s ever fully healed but has moved in the realm of healing. I am working on my third book, which is called Rise Up and Awaken: A Guide to Creating a Sacred Space. That’s helping women nourish their soul all day long.
That sounds like a soup for the soul, like a daily reading. We’re happy to have you. Before we get started into any formal stuff, tell me about your dancing. What do you like to do?
I grew up being a very strict ballerina. I studied ballet my whole life, six hours a day, then moved into contemporary. I ended up in Chicago, wanting to become professional. It’s a deep piece of my soul. Now, I just dance in my kitchen a lot.
How do you find dancing affecting or impacting what you’re doing now in your life?
I feel like the seeds are being planted. Dancing was a way for me to share my deepest emotions, especially when I leaned into contemporary later on. It’s all I do now with my podcast and my speaking. I get to share my soul in another way now. Where it used to be through dancing, now it’s through my words, my writing, and the work that I do.
Anything that we do as children, whether we’re a football player, play instruments, had a job or whatever it is, all of that plays a role in who we are now. That’s important to ask that question to make sure that we understand how that bridge and gap happens. Let’s dig into your Awakening Program. As I think about our audience, everybody has limiting beliefs. Everyone has had the typical hero story where everything’s going great. We watch it in the movie and then we have that bottom, whatever that bottom is. In your case, what you’re talking to people about is those who have gone through sexual abuse. If we have a bottom that isn’t sexual abuse, but it’s a bottom, how do we reawaken ourselves? I know that it’s holding us back from whatever God has planned for us. We’re not listening to it. We’re fighting it all the time. Let’s talk about how your program awakens people.
First, I want to let everyone know. I wrote my book, The Hidden Gifts Within the Trauma of Sexual Abuse. That was the beginning of me being bold and brave. It’s a huge community of people that I want to help. The Awaken Program is for everybody, whether or not they’re survivors. I believe everyone has some trauma. Our traumas all taste and feel, and they’re different, but they have the same effects. What happens is the trauma, whatever it occurred for us in our lives, creates this cage around us. That’s the limiting beliefs we are talking about. No matter what we do, the cage is always there. No matter how we try new tools, it’s still the same cage. We’re still getting the same results.
I love the name of your show and that is something I’m passionate about. It was like, how do we get results? Number one is you have to change an action. If you have a different action, you’re going to get a different result. It’s the way it is. As I was doing healing work with people, I have five kids and I can only do four sessions a week. I’m not going to be able to impact very many people. These people who come in and get healing work feel so much better, but they go back into their lives and they do the same old actions, which means they’re not getting the results that they could be getting. I created a whole program. It teaches people how to do a daily practice of awakening, healing and restoring their chakras, which are energetic places in their being, which is where we hold our limiting beliefs. We hold our belief systems in different parts of our body. If they can do a practice every day that’s going to release it and restore that area, they get different results. That pumps me up.
It’s a recognition of the fact that you do have limiting beliefs. I went to a retreat and had a major breakthrough that I needed. I have been fighting for probably the last few years. I realized that I’ve always known it’s there but I didn’t address it. It was easier to sweep it under the rug and say, “I know it’s there, but it’s not affecting me.” It wasn’t until I had that major breakthrough that things started changing for me. This entire show started morphing into the importance of what I felt. I was very tactical as a cage, but I realized that I needed to have that mindset adjustment in order to be able to apply the tactical and get the actual better results. I wish I had known this years ago when I was in London, because I could have done even better because I had these limiting beliefs that hit me.
We know that everybody has some type of trauma. Maybe it was a bully. I say as small as a bully because way back then, bullies weren’t online. It’s totally different now. Maybe it was a mean girl or a coach who took everything after you. Maybe it was a family member. I want to make sure that we’re including everybody who’s reading to understand that we all have these problems. Let’s talk about when people are stuck in that pain. What’s one of the first actions that we could be taking? I want to make sure that people are not leaving money on the table because they’re stuck in themselves?
Number one, I’m a huge believer of writing and having a morning ritual. I am such a stand for people taking ten minutes. I say set your alarm ten minutes before you normally wake up, get up and immediately begin to write. There is magic that happens when we write so close to the level of our subconscious being present. We can move through things faster. Writing is the fastest therapy you could ever get. It’s going to clean it out. It also allows you to receive inspiration and it is something you could start now. That’s something I like to tell people.
If you’ve ever watched Ellen DeGeneres, she’s hilarious. If I have a sleepless night, I do what she talks about, which is she starts creating this song about all the things she wants to remember. I do acronyms or something, but I’ll be sitting there and going, “Don’t forget to send that email. Make sure to make a copy of something.” I’m waking myself up as I’m doing it because then I add to my song and I’m like, “Email, copy, walk the dog.”
I finally say, “That’s it.” I get up and I’m going to write all these stupid things down on the list. I just write and now, instead of having 4 or 5 things, I was creating a song, I’m with the list of 40-some things that need to get done. It’s all unloading and downloading. When I go back to bed, I sleep like a baby. There’s something about the release of data. We do that, but then what do we do with that list, those thoughts and things? It’s not just the tactical but things that are coming out.
I like to call it release and receive. That’s what I teach the women. What it is, is you’ve got to release everything that’s in the way. I like to use the image of a rain gutter. If you were to pour a hose on the rain gutter, it’s going to take a while until the rain gets clear and water is coming through. That’s the same experience. If you’ve got pain, you feel like you’ve got this limiting belief stuck. If you can sit down and think, “I’m going to write about this.” You’re going to write around that like, “I’m going to have the topic be around this belief system that’s not working for me.”
You’re going to write until you feel like you’ve got nothing else to say. You’re going to let it all out. These aren’t journals that we’re going to pass out to our family. This is like, “Burn it. This is only for your eyes.” I’m a big writer on my phone, and then I delete it afterwards. Whatever you need to do to clear it out, and then when there’s nothing left, you start to write. That’s where I feel like God speaks to us in that space. Inspiration, insights and answers start to show up, but there was no room for them when the mess was still there.
It was all clouded. It’s like you have to clean the house before the maid service comes. It’s a daily practice. This would be the getting started. What does the daily practice look like?
[bctt tweet=”If you have a new action, you’re going to get a different result.” via=”no”]
It is a bunch of visualization connected with breathing and intentions with some healing phrases. I’ve pulled all the pieces together. I even teach about essential oils. It’s like, how do we bring in all the senses and there’s something incredibly powerful about intention that we all look over. We act like it’s not even that important. It’s not something that takes a lot of energy. Intention on healing something is all it takes to begin to heal. When you have the intention, breathing, mantras, visualization, it’s a ten-minute practice so it’s something everybody can do. It’s focused on one space of the body each day. If you’re having lower back pain, you would work in your root chakra. I have many students who have healed chronic lower back pain by doing their practice. It’s in their hands. That’s what I love is they’re empowered to do their own healing. They’re getting results from their own healing work, not because anybody else is doing it. It’s all beautiful.
I want to dig a little deeper on that because someone’s reading and they’re saying, “Everybody’s into the meditation thing and I’m not in the meditation thing.” There’s so much data about it now. I have to be honest, I’m not meditating. I pray. I do The Miracle Morning, which is an acronym for SAVERS. I don’t like to meditate and I don’t do yoga. I giggle during yoga. It’s just my personality. I’d rather play a game, run around, jump or something. There’s so much advancement in this that it’s important for those that are reading who are in lending and real estate specifically, or an entrepreneur who’s knee-deep in the daily activities of surviving and creating a business that thrives.
This is so important. I’ve said this before. Slow down to speed up, instead of speeding up to slow down. We spend our entire lives sacrificing our health to create wealth. I mean this in physical, emotional, mental, everything. Later, when we’re done with all the trying to make the money and being successful and all that, we then sacrifice that wealth to maintain our health. That’s why it’s important these days. It’s going to get worse because we have so much noise coming in every angle from us. It’s important to take the time to smell the roses. I want to dig a little deeper in the intention because as you know, I’m in alignment with core values, identifying and knowing what your core values are.
It allows you to make good and fast decisions that allow you to be intentional about everything that you do. I want to share my core values. I have more than three but I live by three. I can go into about ten of them that I’m happy with, but the three things I focus on is faith, family and stability. Those are my core values. Every decision I make about whether I’ll be speaking at an event, writing anything, going to dinner with friends, or whatever it is in my business whether I want to spend money on a class or a course, everything is, does this affect my faith in a negative way? Does this allow me to continue to practice my faith? Is it going to take too much time from my day and I can’t spend time doing what I like to do? Is it going to affect my family negatively? Is it going to take me away from my family when it’s someone’s birthday? Is it going to impact my ability to spend time with my family?
Under stability, I always ask myself the question, “Is this affecting my stability?” If I’m shopping, I’m gallivanting and I go, “I have to have a big kayak,” and it’s a $600 kayak. Will that hurt or affect my financial stability or the cohesiveness in my family’s stability because I spent that money? Will it affect my wealth, finances, relationships, health? What else would I be sacrificing if I made that decision? For me, every decision is based on those three things. When someone says, “Can you meet tonight at 8:00 instead of tomorrow at 2:00?” if that’s going to affect my family or it’s going to create instability in my life because I have to be out later and have to get up earlier the next day, I won’t do it. People don’t stop and think about the intentional actions that they’re doing.
That’s such a beautiful crust to build your life on. I’m inspired by that.
I want to know how you use intention. How that intentional thought can pull you up from the demise that you feel you have around you and your life at that particular time, once you have identified, released and pulled those limiting beliefs in front of your face and said, “Now, they’re here. What do I need to do intentionally?”
If we’re talking about the Awaken Practice, I have them breathing in healing phrases. For example, in the sacral chakra, that’s where we hold a lot of our worth. One of the healing phrases is, “I breathe in and receive. I have immense value. I breathe out and surrender that I have no value.” You’re breathing in and you’re verbally saying, “I’m surrendering them.” After you’ve done that a few times and you’ve surrendered it, then you use the words and the intention. You only breathe in the positive and breathe out the positive. It’s this consistent putting in and breathing it in. Putting it together is powerful and I have them declare it as so. I have them create gratitude around it as it is so. There’s so much happening in this ten-minute window that it’s powerful. I’m having women have extraordinary results and I love it. I believe exactly what you’re saying, especially for all your readers, those who are in the lending business. Their day starts so early. I know some people who are taking calls in the middle of the night. It’s a crazy business.
I haven’t talked about this new program that I’m going to launch. It’s going to be called the Sacred Space and it’s teaching people how to nourish all day long. With five kids, a podcast, programs, I’d run a bunch of different things. If I am not nourishing myself spiritually, emotionally, mentally, I am so fried. My nervous system’s on edge and anything can tip me off like the sound of a water bottle. I’ve noticed that as I’ve been doing these three nourishments during the day, it’s like my nervous system has been through a massive conditioning and it works better. In the morning, I create this sacred space where I do the awaken practice. In the middle of the day, I go back into my sacred space. I do either meditation or some writing. I go back in at night and complete my day in the sacred space.
It’s taking time to understand what truly fulfills you in life and then, “How can I get more of it?” It’s a fix like, “I want more of it.”
I don’t think it has to be meditation. My meditations are totally different than most people. I don’t empty my mind. I visualize beautiful things like healing, holding me, and keeping me safe. That’s what works for me. Emptying my mind is not necessarily what I love to do.
When I think of anything that fulfills me that I want more of, and I’m nourishing my mind, body and soul, it’s things like sitting on my porch in the morning with a cup of tea, even in the summer when it’s 90 degrees here. I’m in 21 acres, so I’ve got a wraparound porch. I’m in the middle of nowhere. It’s not like I’m sitting on my porch and cars are driving by or anything. I’m listening to life starting the day. The chirping here, the little things that are going on, the cows moving, and cocks crowing after the sun’s already come up. It’s listening to those things. I smile every day and it gives me that checkup from the neck up. It could be as small as watching an ant carry a piece of food. It can be all the way to something massive in your business like winning that $5 billion contract if you’re a government contractor. It’s what fulfills you and making sure that you are experiencing it over and over so that you can be, not off-kilter, but straight up and ready to take on the world.
I love what you do in the morning. First of all, that’s my dream, you’re living my dream. I’m going to have so many acres. No one can even see my house. What you’re saying is the power. The power is asking yourself, what do I love to do? What literally lights up my soul? How can I do that 1 to 3 times a day to totally nourish my nervous system, my soul, my heart, so that I can show up for my work, my kids and my husband? I can show up if I’m filled. That’s what people need to sit with.
I want to go back to the healing process because we’re talking about how we can improve our day. Be intentional and be in a good space all day long. What about those that are a mess and they’re not telling anybody? They’re saying, “I hear you. It’s all fine and dandy but I can’t even get to that first step. I’m such a mess, bitter, angry, and fly off the handle. I’m not eating right and I don’t care. I want to just sit in front of the boob tube all the time. I don’t even want to engage with people. I don’t care about the family. I’m just surviving.” What do you have to say for them to be inspired to start taking action and change their life?
Sometimes we need to reach out. In my darkest place when my whole life was breaking apart, I was like, “I’ve got to find some help.” I went and I found a therapist who did rapid eye therapy. I spent lots of time dealing with my stuff. It’s knowing that you’re not alone. There are a bazillion people who deal with a lot of the same things. It breaks the isolation knowing that there are many people who can support you, and that it’s okay to be supported. It’s okay to reach out, ask for help, and to get the help that’s needed.
Also, there’s something about asking yourself, what do I love? That’s a question that we have been raised not to go there, especially women. It’s “give, serve, put yourself last” mentality. To give your space to be like, “What is it that I love?” and then do that. That is the best way to get out of a hole. If you can lift your vibrations in the space of doing something that lights up your heart even for five minutes, it will start to get you out of the mud. It will get you rolling to taking actions so that you can get much better results.
It’s a vulnerability that a lot of people have the shell for. I know I did. I had the hardest shell around me for years, not just this breakthrough that I had. We breakthrough many times in our lives, but the hardest shell that I didn’t need any help, I got this, I’m a strong woman. I didn’t want to show any weakness. Certainly, in the mortgage business, I would go and cry because I lost a loan. In front of them, I’d say, “I understand I’m not the right person. That’s okay.” I had that big shell that I didn’t need anybody. It wasn’t until I started saying, “I do need people.” I did need people but I wasn’t expressing that. When I started expressing it, becoming vulnerable, and allowing myself to be not from a scarcity, but from an abundance place, it’s counterintuitive to me and it still is. I can’t see how abundance is being vulnerable but it is, and it works.
Just by asking for help, all my business doubled and tripled. I was stumbling over business because I was allowing my real personality show. It is one of the reasons why this show is always very fluid. It’s nonformal because if I try to be formal, it’s not me at all. I love that you say that. It’s important for people to start taking action to get themselves out of that funk because life’s too short. You have to be happy and if you’re not happy in what you’re doing, then you have to start taking some action to get some different results. You’ve created a meditation course that we don’t have to be there with you in Phoenix for. Can you tell us about the course that you are going to be offering to readers?
It’s not a course. It’s a five-minute meditation. It’s my favorite meditation that I’ve created because it’s about healing the adrenals and the nervous system, which happens when we are running 1,000 miles an hour. We’re in fight or flight mode. The limbic system in our brain is firing like crazy, we can’t seem to come back down. This meditation is for that. I walk you through how to visualize calming your nervous system and bringing you back into your body. It’s beautiful and it’s five minutes. Anybody and everybody can do it. When it’s guided, it’s a lot easier than trying to figure out how to meditate on your own. There’s a flow to it. I would love to give that to anyone who wants it. I’ll give you the link and they’re more than welcome to download that.
If someone wants to reach out to you and get in touch with you and say, “I like what you’re doing. I’d love to have a door open with you.” What is the best way for them to connect with you or follow you and see what you’re all about?
[bctt tweet=”Sometimes we need to reach out and ask for help.” via=”no”]
I would love that. I show up every day on Instagram, @KeiraPoulsen. They can always DM me there. They can go to my website, KeiraPoulsen.com. It has every program that I’ve created on my website. They can always email me at Contact@KeiraPoulsen.com. It’s very simple. I always loved questions, support women, and awakening their inner gifts.
If you’re a guy reading, this is the same for you. You can walk through the same processes yourself. The whole time that we’re talking, I’m thinking my husband needs this. We’ve been married for many years, but he goes through these periods where he’s calm and then he’s tense. He’s Italian, so that’s part of it. He goes through these periods where he’s tense. One night he didn’t sleep and ended up sleeping on the sofa. I woke up in the morning and he wasn’t in bed. He was on the sofa and I said, “What’s happened?” He said, “I’ve got so much stuff going through my mind. I can’t sleep.”
He’s having a hard time unwinding. That’s probably something that a lot of us have a problem with. It’s not even starting your day and going forward, but also how to decompress the day of this constant angst that people are feeling, which I tend to feel in the show. There’s a word for it for coaches. When I’m coaching someone who has a lot of that angst, my chest gets tight too. It’s crazy. I’m feeling that because I’m thinking about my husband and how he needs this. Right behind him, I’ll be there with him because he made that happen for me.
The reason why I speak to women is because you get the full course and it’s digital, but then it’s six months of weekly group coaching calls. Right now, it’s just women in those calls. If there were enough men who wanted to be in it, I would create a separate group for men. There’s something powerful about having only women in a space of healing, and only men in a space of healing. It gives everyone a little bit more comfort and safety. I’m not against it. It’s just that so far, women are who have been coming forward. I hold these sacred spaces for them to connect and to be together as we move along. For sure, let your husband use it and listen to the meditation. It will be a beautiful way for him to unwind at night.
That’s what’s happening with men. There’s a whole movement with women and empowering women. Men are now taking that backseat and not sure where to go. It’s like jello for them, “If I say this, if I do that, if I look that way, I don’t know. They’re this, I’m this, should I stand back?” There’s this uncertainty that men are experiencing. They’re a couple of years maybe behind what women are looking for. If men can get on that train sooner, then they’re going to be much happier as well.
I feel like it’s for everybody. I’m more concerned about people that are running 100 miles an hour in their business. They thought they were going to be entrepreneurs because someone planted the seed that they were good at doing something, and they became an entrepreneur. Now they’re working more hours, more stressed, and more overwhelmed than they were having their job. It doesn’t matter if they’re a man or a woman, everyone’s experiencing that. Entrepreneurship is up nationally. It will continue to grow. It’s going to get this way. We need to learn how to save our lives so that we’re not dying young.
That’s why I’m creating this new membership site. It’s going to be affordable so that anybody can join. The whole purpose is teaching people how to save their lives, how to nourish their nervous systems in a life that is 100 miles an hour, all the way until midnight. Everybody’s living on full throttle all the time and nobody’s recharging. Our phones can’t even do that. I charge my phone four times a day. I’m always doing business and it has to be recharged four times a day, yet we think for some reason we don’t have to.
That’s the whole premise of my coaching too. It’s about the lifestyle. It’s been wonderful spending time with you. I always leave everybody asking a question and you can answer 1 of 2 ways. One is either a book that you’re reading that you’d like to share with us and why it’s important to you, or a quote that you love.
I’ve always got six books that I’m reading. This book is part of The Secret series but it’s only based on gratitude. It’s the most in-depth program I’ve ever read on gratitude and I’m not going to lie, it has changed my life. The gratitude practices I’m doing, I have never felt so deeply happy. I’m now teaching my teenagers how to implement some of these gratitude practices. I felt their energy shifts. It’s a beautiful book.
That book is called The Magic and it is part of The Secret series books. Thank you for being here and sharing this with us. I hope that everyone understands how important this is and making sure that you’re healthy all the way around. If you want your business to be healthy, you’ve got to be healthy too. I appreciate the gift that you’ve given us. I can’t wait to download it. Everybody, we talked about what we’re going to do to get results. Start writing and start dumping things out. Once that’s clear, going back in and bringing new things and new thought patterns to help you get over the hump. The breakthrough that you have as Keira has suggested is doing the writing every day and be sure to download her five-minute meditation so that you can do that a couple of times a day and see if it makes a difference in your life.
It doesn’t cost anything to try it and you never know. It could be that being in a different mindset becomes an attraction magnet for you and your business. Be aware of that, don’t just do it and then not recognize that that’s where it came from. Be sure to click on all the links that she has, connect with her and follow her. If you have any opportunities for someone like Keira to come and speak at your organization, your company, or a conference that you know of, please be sure to keep her information close by so that you can refer her and help her grow her business as well. Thank you, Keira for being here. I always learn and thank you for teaching me. It was a pleasure.
Thank you for having me. This was so wonderful. I appreciate your time.
We’ll see you next time.
Important Links
- Keira Poulsen
- The Awaken Podcast
- The Hidden Gifts Within the Trauma of Sexual Abuse
- The Miracle Morning
- The Secret
- The Magic
- @KeiraPoulsen – Instagram
- Contact@KeiraPoulsen.com
- https://Oabinn9j.pages.infusionsoft.net/ – free gift
- https://www.Facebook.com/createyourself.keirapoulsen/
About Keira Poulsen
Keira Poulsen is a mother to 5 amazing kids. She is also an inspirational speaker and loves to share the message of hope and light with those around her. Keira is an intuitive energetic healer, and the creator of The Awaken Program. One of her most favorite roles is being the host of the Awaken Podcast Show. This is where she shares her message of awakening and living life through from our Divine Greatness.
Last August, Keira published her first book- “The Hidden Gifts Within the Trauma of Sexual Abuse,” and is working on her second book- “Warriors of Light; stories of hope and healing.”
Keira has spent the last 17 years in the world of healing. She is a believer that when we address our trauma pain; we awaken our deepest gifts. She loves to teach women how to heal their own physical and emotional pain through The Awaken Program, which is a digital course on healing.
When she isn’t spreading her message of awakening, she loves to spend time in the mountains with her family, read books and loves to dance.
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Jen – I heard your interview today on Wickedly Smart Women today and loved your interview. We have a lot in common. I am dedicating my life and business to empowering women and girls to be the best they can be in any endeavor they choose. I love your book title … I spent 3 years interviewing over 3200 people on what makes a great woman leader. My book is called Quiet Women Never Changed History – Be Strong, Stand Up and Stand Out – “Let’s Go Kick Some Glass.”
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