Getting Real: Refiguring Out Who We Are With Lisa Cherney
Not all successful people find themselves truly happy with their work because it does not speak to the truth of who they are. If you are thinking of making that transition from your long tenure jobs and into something that you are passionate about, then this episode is for you! Jen Du Plessis sits down with the host of the ground-breaking confession-based GFR (Get F’n Real) podcast, Lisa Cherney to talk about being real. After fifteen years in business, Lisa dismantled her successful seven-figure business so that she could chase her dreams. Now, she helps soulful entrepreneurs on similar paths to go after what they want. Lisa shares with us her story and how she is making an impact on other people’s lives. Learn how to overcome the many challenges that come in redefining ourselves and refiguring out who we are. Go deep into the GFR commandments that Lisa is going to share…