S2S Michelle Nedelec

Strategies, Systems & State of Mind with Michelle Nedelec

Strategies, Systems & State of Mind with Michelle Nedelec I am delighted, and I will tell you all this has been a challenge for both my guest and me today because the fourth time or third time, maybe we’re in the fifth time, is a charm in getting ourselves together and having the technology to be able to do it. So, um, without further ado, I want to introduce you to Michelle Netec, and let me tell you a little bit about her in her. Her brief bio here, and then we’re gonna dig into some really exciting things that I’m gonna be asking her today. And I bet you haven’t been asked some of these questions before. Um, Michelle, but she is the founder. She, along with Brad Mooney, are the founders of Awareness Strategies Incorporated. Um, they’ve dedicated their careers to helping entrepreneurs become millionaires, which I wanna…